I’M CONFUSED: “Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean called the rationale used in a decision by the New York appeals court reaffirming a ban on gay marriage ‘bigoted and outdated.'”

How do we square that with this? “Democratic Party Chair Howard Dean has contradicted his party’s platform and infuriated gay rights advocates by saying the party’s platform states ‘marriage is between a man and a woman.'”

Am I missing something? I realize, of course, that a “bigoted” rationale could conceivably produce an un-bigoted result — marriage only between a man and a woman, which Dean apparently favors — but that’s more nuance than I usually expect from Dean. Something like that certainly calls for more explanation.

UPDATE: Hmm. Kerry’s sounding “anti-gay,” too. . . .

MORE: And now, charges of racist remarks from Joe Biden.

And “rape gurney Joe” is carrying the anti-Lieberman sentiment just a bit far, isn’t it?

It’s a Kerfuffle-a-thon, and Taranto’s on vacation!

MORE STILL: No, I don’t really think that Biden’s racist. It’s just his usual talk-without-engaging-brain problem. But it’s more evidence that “The only thing standing between Joe Biden and the presidency is his mouth.”

Here, meanwhile, is Dean’s full statement, which doesn’t seem that enlightening. And Eugene Volokh has thoughts on Dean’s statement here and here.