FLASHBACK: Nobody is applauding as Hollywood premieres Polanski defense.

Roman Polanski anally raped a 13-year old girl. After plying her with Quaaludes and champagne wasn’t enough to make her succumb to his charms, he ignored her protests and did what he wanted. This was not a consensual affair, or a misunderstood romance. It was a wealthy, powerful man doing what he wanted to a powerless young girl. . . .

Whoopi Goldberg, who has sometimes styled herself a “child advocate,” opined that it may have been rape, but it wasn’t rape-rape. Debra Winger commented that “the whole art world suffers” from prosecutions like Polanski’s.

And film mogul Harvey Weinstein chimed in to argue that — by going after a multidecade fugitive — the government was the one “acting irresponsibly and criminally.” Weinstein went on to opine that “Hollywood has the best moral compass, because it has compassion.”

Well, there you are.