A LEBANESE BLOGGER visits Israel. Excerpt:
The inevitable question came. The question that I hesitate to answer honestly when I’m unsure of my own personal security. “So then, where are you from my friend?”.
I gauged the situation. He didn’t seem like a fanatical person. He seemed friendly. His eyes spoke softly. He cared to know. I told him.
“I’m Lebanese.”
I felt that he wanted to lurch to the back of the car and grab me. But not in an aggressive manner.
“Inta Libnanae? Ana Libnanae” (You’re Lebanese. I’m Lebanese.)
I was stunned. Speechless.
A Lebanese Jew. A Lebanese citizen who practiced Judaism. I’ve never met one before. I should have known he was Lebanese from the beginning. It was after all the nicest Mercedes taxi I’ve been in since coming to Tel Aviv. We have a weakness for brands.
Read the whole thing.