BIDEN’S WAR AGAINST INTERNAL COMBUSTION, CONSUMER CHOICE: You heard about the forthcoming new federal fuel standard of 58 mpg by 2032. And you know it doesn’t take a mechanical engineering degree to realize such a standard will be all but impossible to meet with a fossil-fueled vehicle.

So what’s going on? According to the American Accountability Foundation (AAF), it’s pretty much what has been suspected all along – They hate consumer freedom, so they are moving to force Americans out of their privately-owned gas-powered cars and trucks and into alternative modes of transportation:

“These draconian measures in the name of ‘efficiency’ would effectively make electric vehicles mandatory in this country by forcefully limiting Americans’ options. In the name of fighting climate change, the Biden administration is seeking to bend the American people to their will through government coercion. They don’t trust us to make our own choices, and so have decided to make our choices for us.

This isn’t speculation. We know the plan is to eradicate gas vehicles because we have obtained emails by NHTSA Acting Administrator Ann Carlson revealing a desire to do just that.” Read on.