I read several daily emails on venture capital and startups. Virtually all of them cheer against Elon Musk and his leadership on Twitter. All of them. Buried deep down in one today was how a rival, Mastodon, is full of child porn. Threads is totally failing. Other prior competitive efforts to Twitter (TruthSocial, Gab, Parler) are fails. Parler was mounting a challenge but was shut down by the Big Government/Big Tech Fascist alliance.

An entrepreneurship professor at NYU was chiding Elon on Twitter and worrying about wealth inequity in the United States. He tweets “When a private citizen can pay $44 billion for a media company — “the world’s town square” — and both crash the civility of the discourse and incinerate 17 years of brand equity within 10 months …. we have too much concentration of wealth in the hands of too few.”

Wait, I thought Elon built a series of tremendous blowout startup businesses to earn that wealth? Isn’t that what we are supposed to be doing? Prior to Elon, Twitter was a cesspool and worked hand in hand with the US Government to kill free speech. That’s called fascism. I bet the same professor isn’t upset with the way the Washington Post and New York Times operate. I don’t think taking class with him would be all that productive.

I saw an article about how the current US Presidential administration has turned the US military academies into woke factories instead of leadership factories designed to create career officers. Not really a surprise given what they have done everywhere else in the government.

If our leadership class had been suborned by a hostile power in order to destroy us, what would it do differently? Or maybe they’re just crazy. But really, at this point, what difference does it make?