MORE PRO PUBLICA SUPREME COURT FOLDEROL: Oh Hale Yes! Justices Sotomayor and Kagan cite Sir Matthew Hale.

Last year, there was a bit of a stir when Justice Alito cited Sir Matthew Hale in the Dobbs draft, as ultimately in the published opinion. The well-known seventeenth century English judge sentenced two women to death for witchcraft. Therefore, everything the jurist wrote should be cancelled.

For those who still care about these things, Justice Sotomayor’s dissent in Pugin v. Garland, which was joined by Justices Gorsuch and Kagan, also cites Hale. She cites Blackstone too. I’m sure he said some misogynistic things. . . .

Kagan had cited Hale in the past as well. Is there a problem? Hale no.

Last year ProPublica–yes that ProPublica–assailed Alito for quoting “infamous witch trial judge with long-discredited ideas on rape.” I’m waiting for that venerable new organization to discover any Justice who was appointed by Presidents Obama or Biden.

ProPublica is just a tool for laundering Democratic oppo research into alleged “journalism.”