REAGAN WARNED ABOUT COVID TYRANNY: Ronald Reagan’s 1964 national television address on behalf of Barry Goldwater for President is commonly known as “The Speech” that launched the actor’s political career. In fact, there was another Reagan speech three years prior that raised a lot of VIP eyebrows.
As Issues & Insights (I&I) notes, Reagan delivered an impassioned address denouncing socialized medicine at the outset of the ultimately successful Democratic drive to create Medicare. One of Reagan’s comments in that speech was this: “One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism in a people has been by way of medicine.”
Were RR here today, he would be entirely justified in saying he told us but we didn’t listen. As evidence, I&I points out:
“Rather than focus on policies that would protect the most vulnerable from COVID, the Left seized on public fear of the disease to impose draconian controls nationwide. Previously unthinkable lockdowns became the norm.
“Mandates that people wear masks and get experimental vaccines became routine. The size of the federal government exploded — going from 21% of GDP in 2019 to 30% in the two years following the outbreak.
“Even now, more than three years after COVID hit these shores and long after it has mutated into little more than a severe cold, the Biden administration refuses to lift its ’emergency’ declaration.”