ROBERT STEINBUCH: Exposing Race-Hustling Fraud.
Advocates of racial preferences in higher education assert that: 1. diversity enhances the learning of all students 2. preferences counter so-called implicit bias that disadvantages minorities in the admissions process, and 3. set-asides remedy historic discrimination by both universities and the country.
While the first is permitted under Supreme Court precedent, it’s largely unseemly tokenism. The second is illegal, and–along with part of the third justification–is irrelevant, because there is no implicit bias that disadvantages minorities in the higher-education admissions process today. Indeed, there is no historic discrimination still in need of remediation at these leftist cathedrals.
It’s exactly the opposite. Preferred minorities are given exceedingly large preferences in admissions and faculty recruitment. In hiring for a position at my school, all but one of the candidates presented by the administration-chosen DEI-driven screening committee were minority. That’s a staggering influence of race.
And remedying national-historic discrimination as a justification for affirmative action is properly illegal under Supreme Court precedent; you don’t fix discrimination by discriminating, as Chief Justice Roberts stated.
DEI/Affirmative Action has become an entrenched item of faith, a tool of status competition and — not least — a tool for keeping the evil white males in their place.