FLOOD AID UPDATE: Here are some places you can donate to hurricane Katrina relief: (Bumped to top — scroll down for the latest posts, which continue to be added below this one.) [LATER: First blogburst installment is up — scroll down to see the links.] [LATER STILL: There’s lots more, now.]
LATER: Don’t forget to log your contribution over at N.Z. Bear’s. Sorry — I missed that earlier or I would have noted it sooner.
By the way, people want to know where I gave. I donated $500 to the Salvation Army, whose work I’ve respected. I’m also going to donate some money to help some folks who have wound up here, as soon as I figure out where to send the money. Oh, and the Mercy Corps ad is a freebie, via something Henry Copeland is doing.
Catholic Charities is involved, and probably has lots of resources to draw on in the heavily Catholic New Orleans area.
Austin Bay is recommending Episcopal Relief and Development.
Liz at Rightalk suggests that animal lovers donate to the Humane Society.
Here’s a link to Mennonite Disaster Services. The Sanity Inspector says they’re highly efficient.
Reader Peter Viditto recommends The Mercy Corps
Here’s the link for Methodist Relief.
Lisa Larkin recommends Operation Blessing.
The Salvation Army does good work. (WalMart just gave them a million dollars, but that’s just the barest beginning of what’s needed.)
Hugh Hewitt recommends Samaritan’s Purse
Scott Ott recommends Southern Baptist Disaster Relief.
Numerous readers recommend United Jewish Charities.
Here’s a link to LDS Humanitarian Services.
Soldiers’ Angels has a special relief fund to benefit returning servicepeople in the disaster area.
Blog-based charity Strengthen The Good is setting up a donation matching program.
I’ll keep updating this as I get new suggestions.
Jay Allen has a further suggestion:
I would suggest people donate through their companies whenever possible. Most major corporations offer matching funds to the dollar for charitable donations. Find who’s collecting money for relief efforts, then file for a match through your employer instead of sending to the agency directly.
Not bad — if your employer is supporting this.
Chuck Simmins is tracking corporate donations.
Here’s the link for N.Z. Bear’s Katrina relief aggregator page.
Here’s FEMA’s list of recommended charities.
More charitable links at Little Green Footballs.
Walmart has set up a Community Crisis System that lets people post messages to, and read messages from loved ones. (Actual page is here.) Mike Krempasky says that
Basically – you can go into any store in the country, log onto any
walmart website – or even call a hotline 800 number and either post a
message to loved ones, or search for messages *from* loved ones.
Employees and customers, everyone can use it.(This is available in any Wal-Mart Store, SAM’S CLUB, Neighborhood
Market, or Distribution Center via the hiring center kiosks,
connection center kiosks, gift registry, and all Wal-Mart websites.)
Lefty blogger Skippy has donated, and is issuing a challenge to bloggers left and right. “this is not about red states v. blue states…this is not about left v. right…this is not about liberal v. conservative… the people in louisiana, mississippi and alabama are americans. this is about america. and americans have historically always rolled up their sleeves and pitched in to help out their fellow countrymen in need.”
Amen. Even the capitals-impaired ones!
Craigslist New Orleans has offers of housing for Katrina refugees.
UPDATE: The plan for tomorrow’s flood-aid blogburst: I’d like each blogger participating to put up a post recommending a charity, or other action to help, and linking back to this post where I’ll keep a comprehensive list of both bloggers and charities. Basically, a Carnival of Hurricane Relief. That way readers of any blog will have ready access to recommendations on all the blogs. If anyone has a better idea, let me know.
Be sure to send me a link to your post, so that I can link it here. Put “Katrina Flood Aid” in the subject line.
LATER: Please don’t send any more links! I woke up this morning (Thursday) and my mailbox is jammed. I don’t know how I’ll post all of these, but I’ll figure something out, I guess.
LATER STILL: Bring ’em on! My morning and afternoon appointments are cancelled, yesterday’s migraine is pretty much gone, and John Tabin has volunteered to help, so send your links.
Okay it’s not tomorrow yet — except in China, as GZExpat reminded me — but this stuff is pouring in and I think I’d better get a head start so that I’ll have time to teach my classes and such on Thursday. Here’s the first batch of links, with more to follow:
Ah, Shoot! suggests Lutheran World Relief and Lutheran Disaster Response.
American Geek suggests UMC Disaster Relief.
Anklebiting Pundits recommend The Mercy Corps.
Arabie suggests the Red Cross. There’s also information on how to get aid from them if you need it.
La Shawn Barber recommends the Salvation Army.
Michael Barone picks the Salvation Army.
Below the Beltway suggests Catholic Charities.
Domenico Bettinelli has multiple suggestions.
California Conservative recommends the American Red Cross.
Eric Cowperthwaite suggests the Red Cross and the United Way.
Mark DeForrest has multiple recommendations.
The Eclectic Econoclast recommends the Canadian Red Cross to Canadians wanting to give.
The Gospel Messenger recommends Church World Service.
GZ Expat suggests Lutheran World Relief and Catholic Charities.
Hugh Hewitt is donating to the Canal Street Presbyterian Church in New Orleans.
Greg Hlatky recommends the American Kennel Club’s Canine Relief Fund for lost or abandoned dogs.
Kenny, Karina & Jacob’s Adventures in Deutschland recommends Samaritan’s Purse.
Life of Rubin suggests Chabad of Louisiana.
Mark LaRoi suggests Feed the Children.
Left Brain Female recommends Operation Blessing.
Rick Lippincott recommends the Armed Forces Retirement Home in Gulfport, MS, which took a beating.
Lump on a Blog recommends Second Harvest.
Mr. Spkr recommends Feed the Children.
The New Editor has multiple suggestions.
No Government Cheese suggests the Atlanta Red Cross.
Bill Quick recommends the Salvation Army.
The Ringleader has multiple suggestions.
Tim Russo recommends multiple charities.
Ruthie in the Sky says give to any approved charity.
Soapbox Politics suggests multiple charities.
Mark Steyn is endorsing the Mercy Corps — and pledging revenues from book sales via his site, too. “Don’t worry, it’s not one of these dodgy deals involving an unstated ‘portion of profits.’ You get the book, Mercy Corps get the full US$19.95.”
Taxable Talk recommends the Salvation Army and United Jewish Charities.
Traffic Circles suggests Nazarene Compassionate Ministries.
Uzzman recommends the Mercy Corps.
Sissy Willis recommends the AHA/Animal Rescue League effort.
SECOND INSTALLMENT: Okay, I’m totally overwhelmed with “Katrina Flood Aid” emails — there are hundreds and hundreds. I’m going to keep posting as the day goes on, but no fancy alphabetical order or clever comments. And I’m not repeatedly linking to the same charities; I’ll just mention ’em. There are just too many!
Kathy Kinsley has taken up Skppy’s challenge and donated to the Salvation Army.
Laughing Wolf and Babalu Blog are offering gifts to people who donate.
Bloggledygook has a wide range of charities, some not listed above.
Baseball Musings is giving to the Salvation Army, the Mennonite Disaster Relief folks, and the Humane Society.
Betsy Newmark is endorsing the Red Cross and Feed the Children.
SgtStryker.Com recommends Lutheran World Relief and the Salvation Army.
Michele Catalano has a lot of links, and emails: “Side note: I’m also trying to find anyone with contacts in the shipping industry who can help me get a truck/transport donated – I’m going to start a local drive for school supplies to be sent to both the Astrodome and Baton Rouge for displaced kids who will be transferring to schools near their shelters.” Let her know if you can help.
Dodgeblog is supporting the American Red Cross.
Damian Penny recommends the Canadian Red Cross, and has another post with charities accepting donations from Canadians.
William Teach is supporting the American Red Cross.
Ed Morrissey is supporting Catholic Charities and has some other thoughts.
PowerPundit recommends the Salvation Army.
Brendan Loy is going with the Salvation Army.
David Gerstman recommends the Orthodox Union Hurricane Katrina Relief Fund.
Baldilocks recommends Soldiers’ Angels.
Teak Talks is giving to the Craft Emergency Relief Fund, which helps craftspeople in trouble.
DLMSY recommends Americares.
Annika recommends Catholic Charities.
HiWired’s corporate blog has joined the fund and recommends several charities.
Free Money Finance,/a> is matching reader donations.
Five Cent Nickel lists numerous charities.
Back Seat Drivers recommends Chabad New Orleans.
Jeff Quinton recommends the Salvation Army, and notes that Wizbang has its own effort underway.
Ed Cone is endorsing the Red Cross.
Pejman Yousefzadeh is endorsing United Jewish Communities.
Blonde Sagacity recommends the Red Cross. She’s got pictures, too.
Juan Paxety supports the Salvation Army, and challenges musicians and music lovers. ” Just as New York and Chicago were great melting pots for America, so was New Orleans. It melted together the musical traditions of France, England, Africa, and Spain and created a uniquely American music – the first world music.”
Scrappleface is recommending Southern Baptist Disaster Relief.
John Tabin recommends the Union for Reform Judaism’s Hurricane Relief Fund.
Rachel at TinkertyTonk recommends the Salvation Army.
WorldViews has numerous links, for now and for the aftermath.
Samantha Pierce has multiple recommendations, and suggests ministrywatch as a tool for checking out religious charities.
The Fat Guy is supporting the Salvation Army, and is offering free RV hookups at his park in Texas.
More via John Tabin — thanks, John!
Alan at Petrified Truth recommends Houston Food Bank.
Jim Dunn at Southern Appeal recommends The Best Friends Animal Society.
Posse Incitatus recommends Catholic Charities and notes that “a few Hail Marys can’t hurt, either.”
Aliens in This World endorse Catholic Charities.
Brian Warbiany will match up to $100 for a reputable charity to be chosen by the first reader to respond.
Witch of the Dogs supports The Humane Society of Northwest Louisiana.
Jack Garber, Director of Member Services for Christian Service Charities, emails to note the relief efforts of several CSC member charitiess.
Elephant in Exile has several recommendations.
Michelle Malkin likes Mercy Corps.
Along the Tracks recommends Lutheran Services in America and notes that Thrivent Financial for Lutherans will match member donations.
Jeremy Dibbell has a couple of recommendations.
Ed Brenegar supports Presbyterian Disaster Assistance.
Area417 has multiple recommendations.
The American Princess has many suggestions.
Pajamasphere suggests contacting your alumni association or other membership group, as personal assistance to an old friend can often go beyond what a charity does.
Matthew Eppinette recommends the Southern Baptist Disaster Relief Fund.
Jason Clarke points to a blogger in New Orleans collecting for herself and others.
The Dummocrats choose the Brett Favre Fourward Foundation.
CaribPundit endorses LCMS World Relief.
Ipsissima Verba recommends Catholic Charities.
Cadmusings likes International Disaster Emergency Service.
Still more, via John Tabin’s fiance, Sara DelVillano. Thanks Sara!
Sundries recommends several charities.
My Side of the Puddle supports The Red Cross.
GM’s Corner. recommends Operation USA.
Tim Sisk suggests The United Methodist Committee on Relief.
The Blog from the Core recommends Catholic Charities.
The Disgruntled Chemist supports Network for Good.
PoliBlog; suggests Habitat for Humanity.
The Musings of Kev supports several charities.
Ella M. links to many charities.
Hyscience; supports many worthy charities.
The Fast Squirrel recommends Samaritan’s Purse.
FullosseousFlap; recommends Catholic Charities.
USS Neverdock supports The Red Cross.
Matthew Maynard supports Feed The Children.
Nancy at My Garden Spot recommends The Harris County Citizen Corps.
Brent Colbert links to the Canadian Red Cross.
Eric McErlain supports the American Red Cross.
The Pryhills suggests Noah’s Wish.
Mystery Pollster supports the Red Cross.
Lent & Beyond links to many charities.
Getting Nothing But Static… suggests the Red Cross and others.
Ang recommends the Red Cross.
The Raving Athiest is offering refrigerator magnets and a personalized limerick to anyone who contributes $10 or more to Catholic Charities.
A List of Things Thrown… suggests Presbyterian Disaster Assistance.
Angry in the Great White North supports the United Negro College Fund.
TigerSmack will be liveblogging from Baton Rouge.
Over at Crooked Timber, Ted Barlow is offering a premium for donations. And so is his co-blogger Eszter. You can decide which one appeals to you more!
The Counterterrorism Blog has multiple links.
Virginia Postrel recommends the North Texas Food Bank and comments: “What refugees are going to need is help getting settled in new places to live: first and last month’s rent, furniture, etc. (Right now, I wish someone would find a fund to pay for hotel rooms. I’d donate.)”
Bloggers’ Blog recommends the Red Cross.
Forward Biased recommends Bill Hennessy’s home-sharing arrangement.
SportsBizBlog recommends United Jewish Charities.
The Razor has multiple recommendations.
Joanne Norton doesn’t have a blog, but sends this page of places to help.
Holy Fool supports Catholic Charities.
SkyePuppy recommends the International Disaster Emergency Service.
Queer Conservative has multiple links and notes a Morgan Freeman fundraising effort.
Kim’s Notebook has multiple links.
CalTechGirl recommends UMCOR.
Joe Gandelman has multiple recommendations.
ToneCluster is supporting the American Red Cross via CDBaby.
Still more, again via John Tabin. Thanks again, John!
Jay at Solo Dialogue has two suggestions.
The Other Club likes the Red Cross.
Vik Rubenfeld has several suggestions.
Ryne McClaren likes the Red Cross and , plus the AKC.
Amy Helfman endorses the Red Cross, which helped her friend BL Ochman‘s after 9/11.
Sun Comprehending Glass suggests Samaritan’s Purse to help the two-legged and the Humane Society to help the four-legged.
Infinite Improbability recommends the Presbyterian Church in America Mission To North America’s Hurricane Relief Fund.
Lissa Kay supports the Red Cross and also notes the Petfinder.com Foundation Hurricane Fund, which is affiliated with several animal rescue groups.
Everyman recommends Mercy Corps.
Keith of In Which Our Hero likes Habitat for Humanity.
Duane of The Forest For The Trees notes that recovery efforts need accurate mapping, and GIS experts who can volunteer their time have an important role to play.
Matt Jones endorses World Vision.
Justin Hein has several suggestions.
Blogging for Bryant recommends Southern Baptist Disaster Relief.
Ho John Lee is a Red Cross fan.
Kevin Ecker is another Red Cross fan.
Baseball Crank notes the Baseball Think Factory effort to get affected kids back in cleats.
Stephen Carlson points to the McCormick Tribune Foundation, who will kick in 50 cents for each of the first million dollars they collect.
Captoe recommends Catholic Charities.
Looking Around recommends Direct Relief International.
McGee’s Musings recommends the Red Cross.
Red Guy in a Blue State recommends the Knights of Columbus.
Six Meat Buffet is pushing the Salvation Army.
“Tattoo Couture” site Needled.com is raising money to help a New Orleans tattooist who’s been left destitute.
Buzz Brockway recommends Samaritan’s Purse.
Leigh Black, better known as the Jager Bitch, is supporting the Red Cross.
Kowabunga recommends multiple charities.
Allison Ashwell has lots of links and information.
My Name is Kate is pushing the Red Cross and warns people to beware of email Phishing scams.
Eduwonk says mail the money and save the credit card fees, and publishes the American Red Cross’s address.
The Right Place endorses Catholic Charities.
XMLGRRL recommends Punditeria‘s hyperlocal resources, and the Red Cross.
BareKnucklePolitics endorses the Red Cross.
Nicholas Schweitzer recommends the Red Cross, too.
Combs Spouts Off endorses the Salvation Army.
Book Kitten wants help for the Louisiana Library Association disaster relief fund.
The Well-Timed Period recommends the Red Cross and the CDC Foundation.
Lucky Dawg recommends America’s Second Harvest.
Common Folk Using Common Sense recommends the Salvation Army.
NanoDot says give to any qualified charity.
Tobias Buckell recommends Modest Needs.
David M recommends the Red Cross and United Jewish Communities.
Business of Life recommends the Red Cross.
Stingray recommends the Southern Baptist Relief Fund and Catholic Charities.
Blogging Tories recommends the American or Canadian Red Cross.
So does Stephen Taylor.
Wheat and Weeds recommends Catholic Charities.
King Banaian recommends the ELCA International and Domestic Disaster Response.
Diario Hoy recommends the United Way.
The Troglodyte has multiple recommendations.
Sharon GR recommends Habitat for Humanity.
John Hinderaker backs Lutheran Social Services.
Brendan Loy recommends the Salvation Army.
Doranwen recommends Adventist Development and Relief.
Dizzy Girl recommends the American Red Cross.
Oddybobo recommends the Salvation Army.
Lady Jane recommends Catholic Charities.
Tom Grey recommends Caritas International.
Technorati Tags: flood aid, Hurricane Katrina
I’m copying FEMA’s disclaimer here, too, even though I think it’s overkill. I can’t vouch for these organizations personally, of course, and it’s up to you to be sure that you’re donating to the right place:
Please check with your tax advisor or the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for more information regarding the tax deductibility of your donation.
The listing of or omission of an institution or organization on this Web site does not refer to programmatic capability nor does it confer any official status, approval, or endorsement of the institution or organization itself. This listing does not purport to be a listing of all organizations that are providing relief in the affected area. Additionally, there may be organizations providing relief in the affected area that are not accepting donations at this time. It is not the purpose of this Web site to make, or enable to be made, any representation to the public concerning the organizations listed. This listing is for informational purposes only. Any contributions you choose to make from links on this Web site are at your sole discretion.