EVERYTHING IS GOING SWIMMINGLY: Oregon school board takes meetings online to hide from angry parents.
UPDATE: Eugene Volokh writes:
Glenn: I followed the links to the original source for the story, which seems to be https://www.foxnews.com/media/oregon-school-district-sparks-outrage-moves-meetings-online-parents-air-concerns-gender-ideology; and it reports:
“Many of the parents who spoke on Oct. 27 and claim their voices are being silenced also commented during the online board meeting on Nov. 17. They were provided the same speaking opportunities afforded during every board meeting and that will continue whether meetings are held in person or hosted online,” the [district’s] statement added.
This seems to contradict the HotAir piece, which says “They instead announced that all future meetings would be held ‘online,’ depriving the parents of the opportunity to be heard.” It may be that the meetings are better held in person, and perhaps that provides more opportunity for public access; but if the statement is correct, then it appears that there is opportunity for parents to be heard in the online meetings.
Hmm. Thanks for the correction!