WAIT, I THOUGHT THEY WERE BACKPEDALING ON WHETHER THE VACCINE PREVENTS INFECTION OR TRANSMISSION: Are the unvaccinated still a danger to the rest of us? But actually this article is pretty honest:

U.S. officials had long hoped to vaccinate the American public into a state of “herd immunity,” in which so few people would be vulnerable to the virus that the outbreak would simply sputter out. That objective assumed a uniformly high uptake of vaccine across the nation. It also assumed a vaccine that protected against reinfection, and did so durably.

But none of that came to pass.

I pretty much assume that I’m exposed somewhere every day now anyway. As for protection, well, I know someone personally who’s had 5 shots and is recovering from her third case of covid. If you want to get on your high horse about the “unvaccinated,” you need to be touting a vaccine that performs better. The covid vaccines were clearly oversold.

Plus: “While it’s a theoretical possibility, the unvaccinated are not prolific incubators of genetic variants. People with immune system deficiencies are much more likely to develop the long-running bouts of COVID-19 that can spawn new variants with concerning mutations, and most of them are vaccinated.”