WAKE UP WITH FREEDOM FIGHTERS! That’s the slogan of Contra Café, made from coffee grown by former anti-Sandinista guerrillas. Story here. (“Retailing for $10 a pound on its website www.contracafe.com, the company pays the farmers $1.50 a pound — more than market rates and more than what’s known as fair-trade, or socially responsible, prices.”)

I wonder if their t-shirts will start competing with Ché shirts on college campuses?

UPDATE: Reader Austin Pauls emails:

If Contra shirts start competing with Ché shirts on campus (not likely, but I might still buy one), at least those who wear the Contra shirts will know what they’re representing. 85% of kids that wear Ché shirts don’t know who he was, only that wearing that shirt symbolizes that they are “rebellious”.

He has more on his blog.