BUT THE “DEEP STATE” IS A MYTH: Alex Berenson Sued Twitter Over Being Banned and Was Reinstated. “It’s a long segment so don’t miss the key material near the end, explaining why he settled with Twitter and how he’s moved on to publishing documents showing that the federal government pressured Twitter to ban him. Twitter had accepted him, he says, and White House people said they wanted him banned, and, within 6 weeks, he was banned. That clip should be put alongside this other Joe Rogan clip, from one day earlier. Here’s Mark Zuckerberg talking about the FBI’s pressuring Facebook to moderate content.”

I remember all the people yammering at the time: Private companies can do what they wannnttt!!!!

First, that hasn’t been true for more than my lifetime. Second, when they do it at the behest of the government, it loses its private character.

Far too many alleged libertarians were making that argument. I hope they’ve learned their lessons, but I doubt it.