ANN ALTHOUSE ON THE DISINFORMATION OFFICE’S FAILURE: Ha ha ha. “Let right-wing attacks derail” — that’s rich. The idea was so bad, they couldn’t defend it. Let derail. Ha. Like it was a train, locomoting powerfully down the track…. No, it wasn’t. It never had any traction. It went kablooey only because everyone didn’t lay down and let it go by entirely unimpeded.

Plus: “I think they didn’t fight because they saw they’d only be digging a bigger hole for themselves. It is ironic, but that makes it funny. And it’s a great thing to be in a position to laugh at what happened.”

Plus from the comments: “My God. It’s impossible to measure just how far WaPo has fallen. But let Taylor Lorenz try to measure it out for us- column by column. A big assist to the Idiots in the White House. Never have so many spent so much time putting their heads together and still coming up short of one full brain. The entire act is beyond embarrassing. They’re dangerous to the nation. “