THE REAL GLOBAL WARMING CRISIS: Congressional subcommittee hearings are typically pretty hum-drum affairs, stage-managed by the majority staff to present a favored narrative on a given issue.

But this morning’s hearing before the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s energy subcommittee is likely to be hugely different. The witnesses are stacked three-to-one in favor of Electric Vehicles (EVs) specifically and climate change/global warming Greenie policies more generally.

The one witness who is not an advocate of the conventional wisdom of the Greenies is Institute for Energy Research (IER) President Tom Pyle. His prepared testimony, which you can read here, is as concise and factual a description of how and why gas prices are skyrocketing and almost certainly will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

And that means the day will inevitably come when the real global warming crisis is every family having to choose between driving or staying warm/cool at home.