THAT’S FINE. WE CAN HECKLE THE “ELITES”* TOO:  Lauren Boebert Heckles Joe Biden At SOTU, Elites Faint.

^”Elites” indeed. Snort, giggle. Other than having money, they are below the average American in every single measurement, from common sense to ability to do anything productive, to even the ability to think.  Yes, I know they have “good” (Snort giggle) educations, but that’s what I already said: they have money.

Look, the world could be vastly improved by putting all these clowns in stocks and pelting them with rotten fruit.  Heck, charge $3 for splatting a tomato taken out of a supermarket dumpster on Nancy Pelosi’s deranged kisser, and most Americans would pony up. Add in Chuckie Schemer and Eric Fartswell, or perhaps Bearclaw Vindman, not to mention the cackle that drags Kamala around, and we could retire the national debt.