THE DEMOCRATS AREN’T SENDING THEIR BEST TO THE SUPREME COURT: Defending OSHA’s Vaccine Mandate, Sonia Sotomayor Says ‘I’m Not Sure I Understand the Distinction’ Between State and Federal Powers; The justice’s reference to a national “police power” raised some eyebrows. That’s because it’s well established that there is no national police power.
Related: Delicious: WaPo hits Sotomayor with 100,000 Pinocchios. “Naaah, it was only four, but it’s more fun to use Sonia Sotomayor’s math. Glenn Kessler did what the Supreme Court justice apparently didn’t bother to do and checked the actual figures from the CDC, as well as his own common sense. The fact-check delivers the maximum number of Pinocchios, even though it doesn’t address all of Sotomayor’s ignorant questioning last week.”
Also: Legal Experts Ask Justice Sotomayor To Recuse Herself From Case Due To Her Being An Idiot.