I’M SURE THAT’S WHAT THE LEFT IS AIMING FOR:  Depressing article by Joel Kotkin, “Welcome to the end of democracy”.

But what you have to remember is that they and for that matter Kotkin have no clue where their food comes from. Stuff like food production, distribution, etc, is a mystery to them. (Heck, I have a vague idea, mostly by knowing how complex it is, but not the details.)
When I read one of Alvin Toffler’s books in the 80s, I was seized with the idea one day everyone would work remote from a computer. This lasted until a friend smacked me with “you can’t. Food has to be grown and transported, and real things have to be built.”

Kotkin’s apocalyptic vision is of the same order. This would all be true and very scary if “green” energy produced even the modicum necessary (or more than it costs, really) to keep a miserable existence going; if the technocrats understood anything about food production; if socialism actually could work in any way shape or form.

Nah. It’s not the end of democracy — which I’ll note the US isn’t — what we’re seeing is the end of socialism. It’s ending fast and ugly, and it’s going to hurt us on its way down, but in the end what never worked can’t work, and they’re already losing.