I’M BACK. Thanks for the kind wishes for the Insta-Dad. He’s doing quite well.

I won’t be live-blogging tonight — see the folks below, and Hugh Hewitt, who’ll have his trademark question/answer/evaluation matrix up, for that — but I’ll post a summary afterward, and, who knows, maybe a point or two during. And here’s a big list of livebloggers. I think that Daniel Drezner will be liveblogging, along with The Politburo, and LaShawn Barber has opened up a comment thread for your use.

UPDATE: And Ann Althouse announces that her liveblogging will be “au naturel,” which should surely drive up her traffic. . . .

And for those wondering if the mainstream media are in the tank, note that Kerry press releases are running on the Boston Globe site. (Via Ken Layne).

ANOTHER UPDATE: They’ll also be liveblogging it at the Nashville Scene’s blog, Blogville, where we get this insight: “just ninety minutes until the time when we never have to sit through a presidential debate for another four years! That alone is enough for celebration.”

Amen. Will either guy have the guts to issue a thank-you to the “several dozen people watching this instead of the baseball game?” Probably not.