THE FBI IS THE NEW PRAETORIAN GUARD, PROTECTING THE EMPEROR’S DIVINITY:  FBI Raids Homes of GOP Election Official, Conservative Activists in Colorado.

Or perhaps I should call this Cry, the Beloved State.

These people’s crime? Doubting the integrity of the elections in 2020. You know, the ones the left wrote articles bragging of stealing? Oh, forgive me, “fortifying.” Because yeah, we don’t know what they meant.

If there indeed are still good agents and honest men in the FBI and if they’re reading this: Wake Up!

Take a look around; see what the agency has become. And remember what happened at Nuremberg.  “I was following orders” is not a defense, as you enforce the fascistic idiocies of the left.

And by the way, in a nation that tolerated “fire can’t melt steel” and years of Russian conspiracy, I wonder why your Lord and Master, the Serene Zhoe Bai-Den, vice-roi of the Middle Kingdom’s Emperor Winnie Xi The Pooh is so threatened when anyone mentions the blatant and arrant fraud that gave him power in the 2020 election. So threatened that Americans must be searched, intimidated, arrested.  Does he think this behavior will make us believe him and that he was legitimately elected? Do you think so? Are you actually that crazy and stupid? Do you think we are?

Look around you. Wake up. It’s later than you think. When the king comes home — and in America, We The People are the king — “I was following orders” is not a defense.