TV-O-RAMA: I’ll be on CNBC’s Kudlow & Cramer at about 5:20 p.m. Eastern time today, and then on a special pre-debate MSNBC Countdown with Keith Olbermann between 6 & 7. Meanwhile, for those skipping the debate, the Insta-Wife will be on Oxygen tonight, talking about murderous women.
And if TV’s not your bag, you can always check out the Carnival of the Recipes. (For those who are drunk-blogging the debates, meanwhile, the Bloody Mary recipe may come in handy tomorrow. . . .) Or if you’d rather watch a different pair of boobs tonight, check out the blogger Boobiethon — it’s for charity!
UPDATE: Both seemed to go OK to me. Take-away point: Wonkette thinks Kerry will lose. I think Bush will win — but noted that I’m always wrong about this stuff.