HERE’S THE FULL STORY on the Gallup poll mentioned below, which shows Bush with a 13-point lead. Still seems like an implausibly large lead for Bush, despite all the help he’s been getting from Dan Rather and MoveOn. (Compare it with the other polls listed here.) But what do I know?

I don’t think Al Hunt knows, either, but this has him worried.

UPDATE: Lots more on polls and reactions thereto here.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Mickey Kaus says it’s the CBS forgery business that’s killing Kerry:

One obvious possible way to half-reconcile the divergent polls, suggested by Rassmussen’s robo-survey: Wednesday 9/15, when the probable Danron forgery began to sink in, was a gruesome day for Kerry. The Harris poll (Kerry up 1) stopped Monday. The Pew poll (Kerry down 1) stopped on Tuesday. Gallup (Kerry down 14) includes Kerry’s bleak Wednesday.

Thanks, Dan!

Meanwhile, Scott Koenig forecasts the next self-defeating attack — but surely the Dems are smarter than that.