EARLIER I LINKED a piece in The Hill charging Dianne Feinstein with conflicts of interest. This post by Bill Allison at the Sunlight Foundation blog says that at most the piece makes out an appearance of conflict, not an actual conflict.
UPDATE: Matthew Hoy responds: “I’m still troubled (to say the least) that no major newspaper has done any in-depth reporting on the issue. There is still, at the very least, an appearance of a conflict of interest in Feinstein’s actions. If the delay (if not outright disinterest in the story) that we are seeing from the mainstream media was because reporters were diligently checking all the facts, dotting their i’s and crossing their t’s, before getting something into print or on the air I would applaud. However, this is not how things usually work.”
And John Torbett writes: “For fairness sake I think you should note that the Sunlight Foundation is
operated by people who are politically left of center.” True enough, but I thought everyone knew that.