RAJAN RISHYAKARAN POSTS A LINK-FILLED SUDAN GENOCIDE ROUNDUP, noting more about the involvement of French and Chinese oil concessions. And in response to an earlier Darfur post mentioning this, reader Ryan Jordan emails:

Looking at the map linked to in the reader email of Sudanese concessions, I note that there are a few companies from countries we would expect to support that sort of thing (China, the Sudan of course, and Qatar) but there are also concessions to companies from Canada, Austria, and Sweden, besides TotalFinaElf from France. Perhaps a boycott or some massive negative publicity is called for?

Sounds good to me.

UPDATE: Reader Patrick Hall notes this map from the Chinese — “the graphic pretty much tells the whole story.”

Nothing wrong with drilling for oil, of course — but if the Chinese join the French in trying to block action against the genocide there, we’ll have a pretty good idea of why.