EDWARDS UPDATE: The New Republic is offering a roundtable discussion on the merits of the Edwards pick, featuring Jonathan Cohn, Jonathan Chait, Franklin Foer & Joe Trippi. Worth reading, and it’s in the free area so you don’t have to be a subscriber. If you’re just dropping by, scroll down or go here for my roundup post on the subject.
UPDATE: This Washington Monthly item on Edwards not knowing who Yitzhak Rabin was will probably get considerable circulation among the punditry. I rather doubt that it will make much difference to voters, though.
ANOTHER UPDATE: A balanced ticket? Not according to some.
This Kerry quote, on the other hand, may come out.
YET ANOTHER UPDATE: A roundup of Edwards strengths and weaknesses, from Larry Sabato. And TalkLeft is “ecstatic.”
Susanna Cornett, however, is not. Neither, apparently, are the Deaniacs. (“I’m sick about it. Once again the Kerry campaign is made to order for the ill informed, for pomp and no circumstance, for the pundits and not the people, for the camera and not my kids.” Sounds like a future Nader voter to me.)
MORE: But Joe Trippi’s onboard: “All in all, I do not think Kerry could have done much better. . . . Am I excited about Kerry-Edwards? Hell yes.”