MADRID (Reuters) – Chanting “Cowards” and “Killers,” millions of protestors packed rainswept streets across Spain Friday condemning the country’s worst ever guerrilla attack which killed at least 199 people. . . .

Many of the protesters draped themselves in Spanish flags or wore black crosses. Pillars that normally carry advertising were covered in black ribbons.

Protesters included the young, old and disabled. Some walked with crutches. Some carried candles or banged drums.

“The Spanish people will not give up,” Madrid resident Isabel Prado, 35, said.


UPDATE: Yes, I know — Reuters calls them “guerrillas,” not terrorists. That’s because Reuters is a miserable outfit devoid of moral credibility. But you knew that already. Meanwhile Steven Antler notes: “If you’re keeping count, newspaper reports of the turnouts in Madrid and other Spanish cities are running roughly double the wildly inflated numbers reported by the World Socialist Web Site during the so-called ‘antiwar’ protests prior to Iraq liberation.”

ANOTHER UPDATE: Donald Sensing has pictures of the marches in Madrid.