EZRA LEVANT OF CANADIAN ALT-MEDIA NETWORK REBEL NEWS: 50 heavily armed police just raided the hotel where our Rebel News reporters were staying in Montreal.
I told them they couldn’t come in without a search warrant. So instead they manhandled me. They handcuffed Keean Bexte. And They just put David Menzies in the back of a police car.
Police have sealed off the AirBnb we were staying in with police tape — they say it’s a “crime scene”.
Of course it’s not. In fact, when we asked them what the “crime” was, all they could come up with was that our staying in the hotel was an illegal “gathering,” contrary to Quebec’s lockdown laws.
That’s obviously not true. It is a registered, legal hotel rental on Airbnb. In fact, we had fewer guests than the facility is built for.
This is the same Montreal police who have harassed and assaulted our reporters for weeks. This is their revenge. Because we report on their misconduct.
I’m very upset by this. And I remember that, several times, Montreal police have pulled our reporters over and called us “Jew Media” or asked if we’re “Jews”. I can’t help but think that’s a bizarre anti-semitic motivation. That sure isn’t professional policing.
David is still in the back of the police car. Our lawyer is on the scene. I’m mad as hell.
You should be. Name them, shame them, and make them pay.