ARTHUR CHRENKOFF: On Being Transethnnic. “It remains permissible to ridicule and castigate those revealed to have adopted a racial/ethnic identity different to the biological/genetic fact of their birth (such as Jessica Krug, an associate professor at George Washington University, who had to recently apologise for portraying herself as African-American while in reality being Jewish). Though, in a partial exception to this rule, any proportion of Indigenous ancestry (such as one great-grandparent) seems to be enough to self-identify as Indigenous, and it borders on a hate crime (at least in Australia, as Andrew Bolt has found out a few years ago) to question the basis and the logic of such identification. Yet if both gender and race are social constructs devoid of any underlying objective reality (and why not ethnicity too?) then why can’t you feel like you have been born in a wrong part of the world – in a wrong skin?”