The anti-Bush demonstration in Lincoln’s Inn Fields was called for six o’clock, but at the appointed hour, journalists and camera crews substantially outnumbered protesters. . . .

The sharp-faced man answered with a superior air. “When you have a mass movement like this, it’s impossible for it to be captured by a small group.”

I looked up and down the south side of the square. The “mass movement” extended barely half the length of the railing. I’d seen larger crowds at poetry readings.

I’m not sure, but I think this must have been the Judean People’s Front. But here’s my favorite bit:

Mike (the name he gave) shrugged me off. “People in the Middle East are fighting because their own governments are repressing them. They come to feel that they have no alternative – and the mosque is always open.

“But I can’t help thinking that it’s just not very realistic that people are going to kill each other because they say my God is better than your God. Give people freedom and an opportunity for something better: that’s what they really want.”

I said: “You know, you sound exactly like Paul Wolfowitz.” He flinched.

And well he might.