MICKEY KAUS HAS MORE on the continuing embarrassment of the Sacramento Bee:
It turns out that Weintraub wasn’t saddled with a minder to placate PC forces in the state legislature enraged by his “Bustmont” crack, because he’d already been saddled with a minder to placate PC forces within the Bee’s own newsroom enraged by his “Bustmont” crack! Weintruab is an editorial page employee, not a news employee. Apparently the news side of the Bee has never liked his blog, for some obvious reasons (e.g. he’s been beating the pants off them). His provocative anti-Bustamante comments were enough to trigger a newsroom-led bureaucratic Thermidor. I mean, it was as if he was criticizing affirmative action! Can’t have that.
Certainly not! And, as usual, complaints about journalistic ethics turn out to involve protecting somebody from competition.