WHY DOES THE EUROPEAN UNION hate the world’s poor so much?
The European commission yesterday launched a ferocious attack on poor countries and development campaigners when it dismissed calls for big cuts in Europe’s farm protection regime as extreme demands couched in “cheap propaganda”.
In a move that threatens to shatter the fragile peace ahead of next week’s trade talks in Cancun, Mexico, Franz Fischler, the EU agriculture commissioner, said Brussels would strongly defend its farmers.
Shameful. And unsophisticated. The Guardian’s trade-subsidy blog is depressed, and says that Cancun is becoming “Cantcun:”
With the start of the talks less than a week away, and France – one of the biggest barriers to reform – digging its heels in, it is difficult to see where a breakthrough will come from – even though it is in the self-interest of rich countries to rid themselves of subsidies.
But not of special interest groups within those rich nations, or of the politicians they fund. Which are clearly the issue in France. Still, you’d think these people would have more respect for multilateral institutions and world opinion, wouldn’t you?
UPDATE: Samizdata comments: “Note the condescending tone of the EUnik leading the charge on this one. Is it something they actually screen for? Is it in the water in Brussels?”