I’M SUPPOSED TO BE ON CNN WITH AARON BROWN, probably looking rather bleary-eyed, at just after midnight (EST) tonight. It’ll be about blogs, and the producer says that the Jeff Greenfield / Jeff Jarvis piece on blogs will be the lead-in.
UPDATE: Seemed like it went OK. More tomorrow. I’m going to bed now. Of course, Meryl Yourish has already blogged it.
ANOTHER UPDATE: Pejman Yousefzadeh blogged it too, and Emmanuelle Richard saved this screenshot for, um posterity. (For a behind-the-scenes look at the decidedly less glamorous reality, click here.)
She’s got a shot of Jeff Jarvis, too, and she thinks that Jeff and I are exaggerating the degree of anti-American sentiment in France. Um, I sure hope so. Follow the link to read her post, and decide for yourself.
The taped bit with Jeff Jarvis and Jeff Greenfield was great, by the way, and especially stressed the importance of the link to blogging. It also featured shots of Jeff J. wireless-blogging from the park outside his office, and a couple of brief clips from his vlogs.