RANDOM OBSERVATION #1: Funny, isn’t it, that Osama bin Laden hasn’t released a statement — even a fuzzy tape recording — praising Saddam’s resistance and blasting the U.S. effort in Iraq. It’s like he’s not even alive, or something. . . .
Observation #2, from Nelson Ascher:
Before the war in Iraq there was much speculation about the possibility of a second front being opened, against Israel, either by the Palestinians, the Lebanese Hezbollah, or both. However, all of them seem to be lying low right now and none seems to be craving much attention. I’d say this is a good sign that even they agree that Saddam is not the favourite horse in this race.
Yeah. Possibly they figure that Israel will be able to retaliate against them without worrying about much world attention. And maybe it’s hard to recruit killers when Saddam’s financial support looks doubtful.