THE VOLOKH EMPIRE has a report from a pro-war protester at Wisconsin-Madison. Excerpt:
The anti-anti-war protest wasn’t necessary, though, as the anti-war organizers whom we had here yesterday alienated a good portion of their listenership straightaway. Instead of focusing on what I believe are legitimate arguments against the war (I recognize that the proper arguments against the war can’t be made into good soundbites, but longer speeches, as we had here, can focus on legitimate foreign policy and morality concerns), speakers yesterday intimated firstly that the war against Iraq was a ploy by our president to rid the world of Arabs, as he cares only for Caucasians, and, further, that the war was an additional ploy by which to rid the nation of African-Americans, who presumably would be more likely per capita to die in a war (which the statistics no longer bear out), or at the very least to keep them out of higher education, inasmuch as, being statistically poorer than Caucasians, they must enlist in the army after high school.
The predominant chant was, “Hey! Hey! Ho! Ho! This racist war has got to go!”, after which probably one-third to one-half of the crowd was lost. Groups such as “Veterans against the War”, whom I’m sure proffer up legitimate arguments, were ostensibly turned off as well and left forthwith.