THIS FITS WITH MY OWN RETIREMENT PLANS: Americans are retiring to Vietnam, for cheap healthcare and a decent standard of living. Which are to retire to the by-then radically free market (and inexpensive) Republic of Venezuela. “Rapid growth in Vietnam and its Southeast Asian neighbors has created a situation that would have been unthinkable in the past: Aging American boomers are living a lifestyle reminiscent of Florida, Nevada and Arizona, but in Vietnam. Monthly expenses here rarely exceed $2,000, even to live in a large unit like Rockhold’s, including the help of a cook and a cleaner. The neighbors are friendly: A majority of Vietnamese were born well after the war ended in 1975, and Rockhold says he has rarely encountered resentment, even when he talks about his service as a combat veteran.”

Plus: “The Vietnamese were extremely nice to me, especially compared to my own country after I came back from the war.” Sad, but entirely plausible. I mean, it’s not like the Vietnamese hate America.