SKBUBBA emails:

Where did a basically down and out and practically homeless guy get the money to purchase a somewhat expensive rifle and sniper accessories? And a car? Is this guy a stooge for somebody, or a beta test? Your Islamoterrorist theory is starting to sound more and more likely, even if it is just a rogue operation.

I also wondered about the poor illegal immigrant saps that pulled up to that phone booth in a white van. Did Muhammad/Williams set them up? You know how these guys hang around certain parts of town looking for work. I

can see Muhammad/Williams telling them “yeah, hey, I’ve got some work for you. Be at this phone booth at 10:00 or whatever and I’ll give you details and


Interesting questions. I hope that some of the journalists working on this story are following up on them.

UPDATE: Rod Dreher points out that someone was asking these questions — and trying to get the FBI interested — before the shootings started. Here’s the story Dreher refers to. Excerpt:

Once, Muhammad told Grant that he had to travel a long distance, possibly to Jamaica or the Cayman Islands in the Caribbean, to sign some papers on a land sale, Grant said. Grant said he wondered why Muhammad would fly to do that when the job could be handled by mail.

In the post 9-11 climate, Archer felt it was worth a call to the FBI.

“I felt like he was part of an organization. I felt like he had some connection with terrorists. … I said he’s got connections somewhere with somebody who’s got money,” Archer remembered telling the FBI.

This, mind you, while Muhammad was living in a homeless mission. Sounds suspicious to me.