DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THE NEW ‘CONSENT CONDOM?’ No, I am not making this up, it’s a new product from an Argentinian firm. Four fingers are required to open the package – thus the product name. Any bets on how long till American colleges distribute these to students for free?

Prof. Sean McDowell of Biola University points to the lesson shouted by the Consent Condum about the “failure of the Sexual Revolution.” And Prof. Adam Ellwanger, writing in The Federalist, points to a huge related glaring contradiction in the nation’s current sexual climate.

But wait, there’s more! The same post takes you to something The Urban Alternative’s Tony Evans and Super Bowl-winning NFL coach Tony Dungy are doing on the same front and did you see Gallup’s Lifestyle survey results? Surprise! Married men and women are happier virtually across the board.

It’s all in one jam-packed HillFaith post this morning.