NICK DENTON CALLS IT WELL on the corporate-corruption front:

In criticising Bush administration economic and security policy, Democrats fear sounding anti-business, and anti-American. And they have only themselves to blame for that. The Democrats damn corrupt CEOs for impoverishing small investors, and putting their employees’ livelihoods at risk. And a few kneejerk liberals whine about mistreatment of Arabs, and a heavy-handed security policy.

These attacks may be just, and even popular, but they are small-minded. The real reason to attack corporate corruption, and to let the fatcats swing from the rafters, is to defend the system of American capitalism. The CEOs who inflated earnings, the investment bankers who encouraged them, and the accountants who turned a blind eye: they are not just white-collar criminals, they are traitors. They have done more to undermine the freewheeling culture of American business than any external enemy.
