THE APPLE-THEMED ANTI-HILLARY VIDEO that people were talking about last week is still of uncertain authorship. But it’s been viewed over 100,000 times because — as one of the commenters notes — it’s funny.
On the other hand, Andrew Marcus’s video from the Secular Islam conference has been viewed over 100,000 times, too, without the aid of humor. That’s actually kind of encouraging.
UPDATE: By the way, Andrew Marcus emails to say that he shot that video with this Canon still camera. When I first met Andrew, he was shooting a documentary in HD with, literally, a truckload of equipment and a crew. Not that that stuff doesn’t have its place, but he’s really been won over by the ease, flexibility, and surprisingly high quality of shooting web video with digital still cameras. And, as he noted in this email, people are far less intimidated by the smaller camera, which tends to produce better interviews.