Howdy from Senegal! Made it over with no real problems — aside from having to spend eight sucky hours in the crappy Paris Airport. Food sucked (but cost a fortune), seats were uncomfortable, people were rude. France in a nutshell. Oh, and the plane had to sit on the runway for an extra hour before taking off. I was pleased to get to Dakar where the airport staff were so friendly and efficient!
Slept like a stone last night, got up and went exploring with one of the panelists from Nigeria (though he teaches in Britain). We’ve had a grand time, and are now both e-mailing via a high-speed internet connection for 75 cents an hour. Woohoo!
And… the beer is cheap and the Senegalese women are BABES.
People laughed a few weeks ago when I said that Europe would be in danger of being eclipsed by Africa in a few decades. But I really believe that if Africa were liberated from the crappy kleptocratic governments it’s suffered under, the energy and ambition of Africans might produce just that.
And when I was last in Paris, I definitely thought that the Senegalese women there were the most attractive women I saw. Perhaps they should invite a bunch over to staff the airports.