OKAY, I WASN’T GOING TO POST ANYMORE, but I realized I had forgotten to follow up with some of the additional Rolling Stone suggestions. The winner, however (as my earlier post may have suggested) was something along the lines of “RS can’t be saved, it’s irretrievably lame.” That said, some other suggestions included, in no particular order, Jonah Goldberg (like Jann Wenner’s really gonna do that), James Lileks, Steven den Beste, multiple votes for perennial blogosphere fave Rachael Klein, and one each for up-and-comers Dawn Olsen and Jim Treacher. Simon Reynolds (no relation) got mentioned, as did Christopher Buckley. And, unsurprisingly, Mark Steyn got several votes.

All of these people would be better than most of those writing for Rolling Stone today. And none have much of a shot (neither do Welch, Layne, or Blair, mentioned earlier.) That says some pretty bad things about Rolling Stone, but not any that we haven’t figured out on our own. To the above I’d add Stacy Osbaum, formerly editor of URB, who’s now freelancing, I think.

Personally, I think the Blogosphere is the Rolling Stone of the 21st century anyway.

UPDATE: Eric Olsen writes that he’s already written for Rolling Stone.