In regards to Bill Lockyer, how can he can give money back to Oracle and then feel he is somehow cleansed enough to do an investigation of the California – Oracle scandal. Are we somehow to believe that he is free of conflict of interest because he gives $50,000 back? Obviously he can give the money back, clear Oracle of any impropriety and then get a bunch of fat checks in the mail from Oracle a year or two from now as a payback. It reminds me of John Ashcroft and Enron. He recused himself from the investigation of Enron because he took political donations from them when he was a Senator. Shouldn’t Lockyer recuse himself and hand over the investigation to someone who will actually investigate and not have a campaign to run?

I read your ‘About Me’ and figure your most recent book concerning political impropriety probably means you already thought of this, but I had to rant just in case.

I’ve never thought that giving the money back makes conflicts go away — and in fact, acting as if it does is the plainest admission that you are for sale. But politicians like this approach because it grants them easy absolution.