WELL: Census: There are no jobs Americans won’t do, poor citizens hurt by illegal immigration.

A new analysis of Census Bureau jobs data puts the “fake news” label on the pro-immigration mantra that there are many jobs Americans just won’t do and that’s why legal and illegal immigrants are needed.

According to the deep-dive analysis by the Center for Immigration Studies, just six of 474 job categories are majority immigrant, and none are majority illegal immigrant.

The report suggests that claims made by immigration proponents for greater access to American jobs because Americans don’t want them is false.

What’s more, the report indicates that in low-income jobs given to illegal immigrants puts pressure on poor Americans who want those jobs, according to CIS.

“If immigrants ‘do jobs that Americans won’t do,’ we should be able to identify occupations in which the workers are nearly all foreign-born. However, among the 474 separate occupations defined by the Department of Commerce, we find only a handful of majority-immigrant occupations, and none completely dominated by immigrants (legal or illegal). Furthermore, in none of the 474 occupations do illegal immigrants constitute a majority of workers,” said the study.

Another narrative bites the dust. Oh who am I kidding — it’s not like the narrative is going anywhere.