Dear Sir:Meanwhile here’s some further commentary on the subject by Telford Work.As the CAIR webmaster, I’m pretty used to *interesting* emails sent by visitors who like to speak their mind on a number of issues – from the “I hate you” to the “go back home” to the “you’re behind the disappearance of Hoffa”. However, I wasn’t prepared for the onslaught of emails from the “poll fiasco” – as one email put it.
The dust is finally settling here at the CAIR IT department as we finish looking over two days worth of web site logs – which add up to a lot squiting eyes and paper cuts. I understand that when someone hates you or the work you do no matter the amount of explanation – there’s always going to be a “yeah but …” at the end. So, knowing that – here’s is the summary –
User (I can provide you with the IP address) logs in to the CAIR website. They disable their browser cookies (allowing them to vote multiple times). They voted exactly (as per the logs) exactly 8,056 times. We purged the poll of 8,055 duplicate polls. We also purged a number of other multiple votes (including YES answers). The number of “NO” answers go down drastically. CAIR is seen as manipulating the votes to their advantage. To avoid such confrontation – the poll is taken down. And now, the Onslaught of “You can’t handle the truth emails”.
So, I say this in conclusion. Our integrity was questioned – now question the integrity of the user who caused this. Despite everything – I’m impressed at your persistence at ‘following’ all this :)
All the best to you,
Omar T.
CAIR Webmaster