THE REVIEWER OBVIOUSLY DOESN’T HAVE ANY CLUE WHAT A COUNTRY WITH NO LEGAL ABORTION IS LIKE: I do. I grew up in one. And while it was a dystopia in some ways, it wasn’t because of that. What abortion being illegal achieved, is that only the truly desperate would pay nurses/doctors to do it, and that doctors were very, very careful to make sure it didn’t go wrong, and they weren’t caught. You could say it made it safe and rare. Yes, of course there were problems, but there are problems (many) with the current system too. However apparently some people swallowed whole the coat hanger canards and can’t imagine anything worse than a world without Kermit Gosnells and baby parts a-go-go. So this nonsense feels eerily real to people who couldn’t find “real” with two hands and a seeing eye dog. ‘Red Clocks’ imagines a world where abortion is outlawed. And it feels eerily real.
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