OH, WHILE I’M PASSING OUT CONSTRUCTIVE ADVICE, can I suggest that folks unhappy about Proposition 8 would be better-served by pushing for the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act than by protesting at Mormon Temples and stomping on crosses?
Lashing out in anger feels good to some people, I guess, but that’s about it. Kendra Todd is doing more good for the cause by featuring an endless array of normal-looking gay couples on My House is Worth What? than all of these protesters are doing — infinitely more, in fact, since they’re doing harm, not good.
I keep hoping that one of those happy gay couples will open a closet door to display a rack of assault weapons, but I guess Kendra thinks America isn’t ready for that, yet. Soon!
At any rate, protesting at city halls is a lot friendlier than picketing churches, no?
UPDATE: White powder sent to Mormon temples in Utah, LA.
ANOTHER UPDATE: So Obama was instrumental in getting Prop 8 passed.
MORE: Bill Quick isn’t buying my kumbayah tone here . . . .
STILL MORE: A Mormon perspective, from Orson Scott Card.