HOW’S THAT MIDDLE-AMERICA OUTREACH PROGRAM GOING, DEMS? Democrat Refers to Middle America as ‘Podunk, USA.’

A Democratic lawmaker from California referred to Middle America as “Podunk, USA,” during a committee meeting last week, several sources inside the meeting told the Washington Free Beacon.

Remarks by Rep. Anna Eshoo (D., Calif.) during a closed-door Energy and Commerce Committee meeting with Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai raised eyebrows from those present. . . .

Eshoo’s office declined to comment.

Democrats have been criticized for being out of touch and representing only the interests of coastal elites since suffering significant losses in the 2016 elections. House Democrats opted to reelect Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco as their leader rather than Tim Ryan, who represents Youngstown, Ohio.

Why so hateful, Dems?