VICTOR DAVIS HANSON on squishy Republicans abandoning McCain: ” A great many moderates and conservatives are worn out and tired of Bush and Bush hatred, the European furor, serial charges of racism and illiberalism, and finally, in their weariness, think that Obama will, in a variety of ways, just make all the ickiness go away. . . . Obama, as I have said ad nauseam, has brilliantly prepped the battlefield to such a degree that a Farrakhan endorsement or surrogates calling Palin a quasi-Nazi or a bimbo, or smearing McCain as near senile is irrelevant; yet one screamer in a crowd of tens of thousands is proof of McCain’s and Palin’s racism and hatred.” The folks Hanson is talking about seem mostly to be in the Republican commentariat. It’s been hard for them these past years, and they’re tired. But, of course, their capitulation only inflames the grassroots anger they affect to be upset by.
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