LIFE IN A FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORMED AMERICA: Coming Out, This Time For Trump: Hiding my support for him felt the same way as keeping my sexual orientation secret. “Until now, I have not shared this with anyone other than my partner. All I see around me is hate for the president-elect. My Facebook friends post links deriding him. The president of the university where I teach sent an agitated email putting down the election results and announcing a town-hall meeting for those who felt afraid of Mr. Trump. . . . Worse than Mr. Trump’s inconsistencies, however, are those of his detractors. They cite his lack of inclusiveness yet discount that tens of millions of Americans voted for him, and he won 30 states. I am as afraid about acknowledging that I voted for Mr. Trump today as I was about being gay yesterday. There seems to be as little understanding of my political views as there was about my sexual orientation. His detractors yell that he is not their president, but many did not even vote. They say he is all about divisiveness, but they can’t acknowledge opposing points of view. I hope the opposition can grow to be accepting and join in wishing that great things happen over the next four years.”

When I went into work yesterday, one of the secretaries paused in the stairwell, glanced around to be sure no one could hear, and said “I’m really excited about tomorrow!”