HMM. HERE’S INTRADE’S CONTRACT on whether Joe Biden will withdraw from the Democratic VP slot. Don’t see it happening myself, but obviously some people do.


UPDATE: Reader James Beam writes:

Get ready for Obama to pull a Torrecelii/Lautenberg switcheroo. There are waaay too many rumors, trial balloons, and headfakes going around for this to not have substance behind it.

Have your responses prepared. Whatever “narrative” they concoct for the switch, it’s obvious that they’re doing it only because The Anointed One is behind in the polls. It destroys Obama’s claim of judgment being his prime qualification, trust of the voters and convention delegates, and his claim to experience in running a successful campaign.

I still doubt it. But hey, “Jim Beam” has never steered me wrong before. And I’ll be he’s sick of that line . . . . .